Thursday, March 29, 2018

There Is No Hope Without Despair

The grace of Terry Fox is in the possibility of his failure.
It's what makes him human;
We relate to his weakness and find comfort in his strength.
Hope and despair are two sides of the same coin:
There is not one without the other;
Each is the necessary condition of both.

Day to day, we decide that not everyone's struggle is so noble,
But this is deception.  Ease is another word for practised.
We relate to Terry Fox because we struggle, not because we win.
One-in-five people suffer from a mental illness,
One-in-five that need to struggle with hidden prosthesis
One-in-five are challenged by invisible demons.

Who is the Terry Fox of schizophrenia?
Who has enough hope to survive the despair?
Who can look the label in the eye and say "Yes!"?
Who doesn't pretend it is nothing at all?
Who sees the reality and doesn't hide?
Whoever that is is a champion.